High Level User Stories

This chapter presents a high-level solution overview of the zkMe Network through long-form User Stories for the following zkMe Network Stakeholders:

Main Stakeholder

  1. Holder (Individual)

This is the primary and central stakeholder in the zkMe Network. The Holder owns, holds, manages and monetizes their Credentials.

  1. Issuer

This entity is responsible for issuing Credentials to Holders (Users). It's the starting point of the Crential lifecycle, providing users with their initial Credential.An Issuer is the creator of a Credential within the zkMe Network. Such an Issuer can either be a "Centralized Issuer" or a "Decentralized Issuer". A Centralized Issuer is an entity trusted by other Stakeholders in the Network directly 'issuing' Credentials on the zkMe Network. A Decentralized Issuer is a programmatic bridge to a trusted Issuer that is not part of the zkMe Network in order to 'automatically issue' Credentials without the introduction of a new intermediary Centralized Issuer.The output of the Issuers (a verifiable Credential) is the input to the zk-Identity Oracle which

  1. Verifier (Service Provider)

Verifiers are the consumers of Credentials within the zkMe Network. Operators run the infrastructure of the zkMe Network. Operators either run Validator or Storage nodes. Guardians oversee the correct operations of the zkMe Network. This is likely a decentralized application that reads and verifies credentials from the zkMe SBT registry. It's used to validate a user's credentials without accessing the raw data.

Infrastructure Stakeholder

  1. Validator Node Operators

Operators run the infrastructure of the zkMe Network. Operators either run Validator or Storage nodes. Validator nodes run the Proof-of-Stake Consensus Algorithm, ensuring integrity and security of MeChain transactions.

  1. Storage Node Operators

Storage Node Operators run the Proof-of-Storage Consensus Algorithm, ensuring integrity and security of MeChain storage. Thus providing storage services for Credential Data.

Supporting Stakeholder

  1. Token Holders

Hold a governance stake in the operations, development, and incentivization of the MeChain infrastructure.

  1. Regulator

Regulators enforce laws and regulations for the Verifier services.

  1. Guardian

Guardians oversee the correct operations of the zkMe Network. This represents regulatory bodies that have the authority to read data from the zkMe SBT registry, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

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