zkMe Brand Kit

This page gives you access to zkMe high quality logo and icon.

zkMe Logo - Horizontal

zkMe Logo.png

🗄️Deep Green.png

🗄️Light Green.png

🗄️All White.png

🗄️All Black.png

zkMe Logo.svg

🗄️Deep Green.svg

🗄️Light Green.svg

🗄️All White.svg

🗄️All Black.svg

zkMe Logo - Vertical with Text

zkMe Logo.png

🗄️Deep Green.png

🗄️Light Green.png

🗄️All White.png

🗄️All Black.png

zkMe Logo.svg

🗄️Deep Green.svg

🗄️Light Green.svg

🗄️All White.svg

🗄️All Black.svg

zkMe Logo - Square

zkMe Logo.png

🗄️Deep Green.png

🗄️Light Green.png

🗄️All White.png

🗄️All Black.png

zkMe Logo.svg

🗄️Deep Green.svg

🗄️Light Green.svg

🗄️All White.svg

🗄️All Black.svg


  • Don't flip the icon and text sides;

  • Don't change the text color;

  • Don't distort the text;

  • Don't add outlines or add any other effects;

Last updated