zkMe App

Verifying Credentials from your SSI wallet

The zkMe App is the front-end access to a decentralized and secure Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) wallet that uses MPC cryptography. It allows users to manage and store their identity information, either as VCs or anonymized VPs (in form of SBT). With MPC technology, private keys used for data encryption and signing are distributed across multiple nodes or devices, removing the need for a single device to store them. This significantly reduces the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access. The following sequence diagram shows the sequence of a holder creating their SSI wallet.


If you have not installed the zkMe App yet, please download and install it:

🍎 iOS

🤖 Android

Create your first SSI wallet

To create your first SSI wallet, you have to first verify a valid email address. Simply check out the following steps:

Step 1:

Launch the zkMe App, learn about the benefits of SSI, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, the process introduction, and tap "Get started".

Step 2:

Fill in the email address for which you want to create the SSI for and tap the "Continue" button. Make sure to provide a valid email address you control. Alternatively, you can also create an SSI wallet using your Apple ID or Google Account at the bottom of the page.

Step 3:

Check your inbox and find an email named "Sign in to zkMe". Click the authentication link in or copy the authentication code to prove ownership and finish the process.

Step 4:

The App will ask you to set a zkMe domain. The zkMe domain is unique to you. The zkMe domain will be used for future use cases. Note to use a domain that cannot be used to identify you directly as it will be visible to external participants, then tap the "Continue" button.

Mint your zkMe SBT

To mint a zkMe SBT you have to verify at least one Credentials. The verification of some Credentials might require the processing of personal private information. To ensure personal privacy and security, all information will be encrypted on user device, and no private data is shared.

Step 1:

Setting a PIN is required in order to protect from unauthorized unlocks of your SSI wallet. Tab "Start Verification" to start the verification of your first Credential.

Step 2:

Check out the verification process of (for example) a Proof-of-Citizenship (PoC) Credential and tab the "Verify Now" button to continue.

Step 3:

Select the country of your Citizenship on this page, and choose an identity document type to start scanning.

Step 4:

After successful document scanning, confirm that the identified information is correct on this page. Then check the box at the bottom to make sure you agree with the privacy policy and user agreement and tab "Continue" to proceed with facial recognition.

Step 5:

On this page, tab "Continue" to scan your face and perform a liveness check.

Step 6:

After successful facial recognition, it will automatically start the ZKP generation process.

Please notice this process may take up to a few minutes and the page has to be kept open. Otherwise, you might need to manually restart the ZKP generation process to complete the remaining steps.

After the ZKP is generated, it will automatically start minting your SBT. You can go back to the home page by tapping "Done" on the success page and check out the SBT status on the Identity Soulbound Token part.

Step 7:

Once your SBT is minted, you will see the "Already got" status on the Identity Soulbound Token part.

Download zkMe App

🍎 iOS

🤖 Android

Last updated