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🔰Intro / One-Pager

zkMe: Compliance without compromises on the decentralization and privacy ethos of web3

Enabling compliant, scalable DeFi with zero-knowledge Identity Oracles.

Who we are.

Founded in December 2022 and already backed by the world's leading venture firms, zkMe Technology Limited is the company pioneering Identity solutions for mass adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi). Enabling trusted asset channeling and empowering users to prove eligibility without revealing their Identity through the zkMe protocol. zkMe unlocks the potential of permissioned DeFi for both institutions and users, with secure, flexible compliance that keeps data private.

How it works.

zkMe builds a decentralized Identity Layer infrastructure that consists of bridging primitives ("Identity Oracles") that leverage the power of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) to securely and privately attest & verify credential ownership across ecosystems. In contrast to most existing Decentralized Identifier (DID) or Verifiable Credentials (VC) approaches, Identity Oracles do not require centralized trusted Issuer entities on every ecosystem. Trusted Credentials are ubiquitous in traditional finance and the internet, why not access and consumes these onchain? Identity Oracles are thus the answer to the question: Why reinvent the wheel for web3 Identity?

If a credential source is already trusted on another chain, on the internet, or on a physical device, the Identity Oracle bridges that Credential fully trustlessly and programmatically to any number of service providers without the introduction of new trust assumptions.

With zkMe, users can disclose to authorized parties selectively, without compromising their privacy, and enjoy greater control over their digital Identities. This enables a variety of zkMe Use Cases, for the verification of a number of zkMe Credentials, through the interaction of a number of zkMe Components.

What we solve for.

Identity Interoperability

Onchain Compliance

Identity Misuse

Which chains we live on.

Your truly decentralized, anonymous, onchain compliance engine on



NOTE: The chains listed are supported for configuration on our dashboard now. We have also deployed smart contracts on additional chains, which are in the pipeline to be added to the dashboard. For a complete list of all the chains we currently deploy, please refer to zkMe Smart Contracts.

Why zkMe - The Value Propositions

<- For Users

You, privately verified.

Self-Sovereign Identity

Take control of your digital Identity while maintaining the highest degree of privacy. You decide who has access to which of your anonymous credentials.

Attest-to-Earn Identity Tokenomics

Benefit from taking part in the Identity economy of the future. Earn $ZKME tokens for every anonymized credential you share.

Ultimate Privacy

None of your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is ever shared, processed, nor stored by anyone but yourself. Identity theft and misuse are not possible.

<- For Businesses

Compliance without compromises on the ethos of web3.

Decentralization & Disintermediation

Empower your users to self-verify without the need of trust into a third party data processor or controller.

Scalable verifications

Scalable permissioning allows fine-grained access control to grow dynamically without compromising efficiency or security.

Institutional web3 onboarding

Unlock vast, compliant liquidity markets with ease.

Lowest Cost of Verification

Don't overspend on user verifications. Fully programmatic and data minimized data verification allow for the highest value to cost solution on the market.

Seamless UX

Process all user verifications without any system breaks. Flutter and Javascript SDKs allow for a native verification user flow directly from your front end.

Web3 Native Risk Management

Implement risk management that does not compromise on decentralization or user privacy.

GDPR Compliance

Automatic GDPR compliance by not having to process nor store any private user data.

AML/KYC Compliance

Comply with due diligence requirements without compromising on decentralization and user privacy by implementing FATF-compliant zero-knowledge KYC.

Vision & Mission

+ Vision

To build the zk-credential layer of web3. In the trust-less world of tomorrow, credentials are only shared when, where and strictly as irreducibly needed.

+ Mission

We build the leading infra for presenting verified credentials in a trust-less and private manner. Issuers, Holders and Verifiers around the world trust and employ the zkMe protocol to leverage Identities’ value.

Ready to unleash the power of compliant DeFi? Contact zkMe now:

Last updated